Going to the gym, especially as a beginner, can be stressful when you’re on your own. You walk in, you see people in better shape than you lifting heavy weights, and you don’t even know where to start.
You can feel lost. There are often cliques of people that know each other from going there for a long time, and you almost feel like you’re being watched as the new member. In order to make things much, much easier (and more fun), bring a friend to the gym to be your dedicated exercise partner.
Being the only new person walking in can make you feel like you stick out like a sore thumb, but with someone else by your side, especially someone that you’re friends with, all of that fear goes away and you feel much more comfortable.
One of the best things about having a gym partner is that you can hold each other accountable. When you don’t want to go to the gym, there’s no pressure not to if you’re the only one that goes at that time.
However, if you have a friend that can text you and call you who you know is going to be meeting you there, you have to pull it together and go to the gym anyway. Keeping on track is extremely important for fitness.
It helps a lot if your gym partner is experienced in working out. They can then act almost like your personal trainer, sharing their knowledge with you and helping you correct your form or certain workouts, helping you ensure that what you’re doing is going to see results.
Many beginners are too nervous to ask for help, and end up doing exercises wrong in such a way that they’re not really going to make progress with them. They can also supply you with good workout routines to follow if you don’t have one already.
Most of all, a gym partner can make the experience fun. Even in the bad times when you’re sore and uncomfortable and want to give up, you can crack a joke with them and at least put a smile on your face instead of just angrily packing up and leaving.
In the good times, you’re sharing new personal records with each other and lifting each other up to keep on improving. This will keep you motivated to keep working out and keep you coming back to the gym time after time.